First si(g)ns of LARMOR diffraction

 larmorsetup Thanks to a big effort from our student Maurice we just measured the first oscillations that are the signature of LARMOR diffraction. On the photo the 4 RF flippers create a B-field parallel to the crystal plane in the sample (inside tube), HOPG in this case. Below on the left we can see the result of a scan with the position of the last RF flipper. On the right a similar result is found for a frequency scan of the last RF first scan Lflipper.firstWscan

The measurements are performed on a test beam line position at the RID (between the ROG and PEARL. The key components, the RF flippers and mu-metal boxes, are origination from FLEX in Berlin so many thanks to Dr. Habicht and Dr. Keller for this opportunity to gain some experience with these components.

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