setup1We are very exited because a all things are coming together. We have installed the spin-echo components on the first arm (pre-sample) of LARMOR at ISIS. Now we have prepared everything for a experiment that has never been done! We will attempt to measure a SANS signal and SEMSANS signal (variation of SESANS) at the same time. This will give will enable us to measure structures with a size range from 1 nm to 5 (or more) micrometer!!!

We will start commissioning on the 16th of Feb. and hope to start the measurements soon after. The sample is prepared in close collaboration with the University of Bath.

setup2In the picture above one can see the white SANS vessel that will lower the air scattering and enable us to see a clear SANS signal. On the right one can see the spin-echo components installed that will cause an in space modulated signal on a special beam stop that contains SESANS information. This will be the very first time they will be switched on at ISIS so fingers crossed.

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