First MIEZE signals generated by LARMOR

On Thursday 11th October 2018 we have produced and measured the very first TOF MIEZE signal on LARMOR!

With this MIEZE mode it is possible to measure dynamics in a sample (0.1ns -10ns). This mode gave us great challenges during the design phase as it was very demanding on the electronics of LARMOR instrument. It was truly very exciting to finally see the very first modulations on our screen appear (left).

First arm converted to a MIEZE arm

First MIEZE signal with 413 KHz modulation

On the right one can see the the fist arm of the LARMOR instrument that for this occasion is converted into a MIEZE configuration with two Vcoils and two RF flippers running at different frequencies. The highest MIEZE modulation frequency reached and measured was 1.03 MHz!

In only 4 days (and nights) we have completely commissioned the MIEZE mode!

The two MIEZE detectors, the blue is from FRM2 and the Al in front is from ISIS

This demanding schedule was only possible due to a good preparation of Niels Geerits who completed his Master project in Delft building a copy of the instrument and gaining months of experience. This together with the great help and expertise of Cristian Franz, who is the MIEZE expert at RESEDA at the FRM2 in Munich. He also brought a essential piece of kit, a very fast detector, see right (blue), that is able the measure the very fast modulation signals (up to 1 MHz) in TOF. An alternative fast detector was made available by Davide Raspino from ISIS that also appeared very imported for the success of the experiment. Summarize, it was a great team effort of ISIS, our FRM2 collaboration and Delft that made everything come together and produce an excellent commissioning experiment.

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