Larmor celebration at ISIS, closure of project

On the 27th of August a group of 13 traveled to ISIS to participate in the celebration of the closure of the Larmor project. In the evening there was a diner at the Cosener’s house in Abingdon. The next day group of first day users of the instrument presented their results in a mini symposium.

Two re-presenters of NWO were present and witnessed a classy opening of the facility by Lucas van Vliet, dean Applied Sciences and Bert Wolterbeek, director of the Reactor Institute at TU Delft.




On the right we have a nice group photo next to the shielded blockhouse of Larmor with all the dutch participants together with our ISIS collaborators within the project.


This is Robert Dalgliesh who was the project leader on the ISIS side of the project. His endurance and patience made the project into a success, many thanks to him…


On the left a picture of Katia Pappas presenting the spin-echo angular encoding of SESANS in the min-symposium. She has been the project responsible and also one of the first users looking at skyrmions on Larmor.


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