On December 17th 2014 we had an important stakeholders meeting in Delft. All the partners in the proposal were present.
We started of with several presentations that give an update or start a discussion. First there was a presentation of Rob Dalgliesh that gives an impressive overview of the progress on the SANS instrument at ISIS.
After that Jeroen Plomp gave an Delft progress update.
Next was Jurrian Bakker, who is our soft matter PhD student, with the update on Delft_soft matter PhD.
The last presentation was for our newest member of the team, Fei Li, who is our hard matter PhD student, with an update on Delft_hard matter PhDFei.
After these presentation we had discussion on sample environment, Larmor Diffraction mode, new detector to combine SANS and diffraction, use of beam time and many other topics.